eHRM Solution
Web based HRM Application with modularized architecture. Profile, Leave, Time Attendance with Finger Print Data Downloader Service, Payroll , Traning, Performanse Management and including total HR Functions

Inventory and Accounts Management Solution
Easier tracking down the Purchases, Sales with accounting module to your Organization. Easy to handle with Web based architecture

Student Management Solution
Web based Student Management Solution to handle all day to day function in the School or any institution with customized features

Poultry Farming Management System
MD Soft Computer Systems Poultry Farming Management System typically includes main modules as User Profiles Handling, Master Files Module, Purchasing Module, Buy Back Module, Processing Plant Module, Sales Module and Full Report Module

Pharmacy Management
We can provide the System with customized Module as you wish and with Our Pharmacy Management System, you can easier tracking down the Purchases, Expenses, Accounts Transactions and Inventory Records. Support for Inventory Management that helps record and track drugs on the basis of both quantity and value.